I'm telling you, it's that damn table that's the problem, man. Don't you guys understand furniture?
Have you measured it?
Have you checked its width and height and length?
Is it made out of good wood (is there any good wood left or has it all been burned?)
This table is going to take an awful lot of pounding. Is the top thick and strong?
Some of the parties will undoubtedly be carrying knuckle-dusters, nunchakas, kung-fu throwing stars, boomerangs, pangas, swords, daggers, flick-knives, butterfly knives, combat knives, bayonets, knob-kieries, spears, AK47s, assault rifles, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols, etc. etc. - exactly what kind of resilience is that table going to have?
What sort of surfacing will it have? - Classic shellac or modern synthetic varnish or high-quality bonded transparent fibreglass?
Don't tell me it's going to have a glass top, unless it's going to be made from the same glass that they use for the American presidential limosine.
Will it be wide enough for opposing parties not to be able to reach each other while brandishing Zulu spears, or narrow enough for them to strangle each other or behead each other with a garotte?
Will it be long enough to accommodate Vladimir Putin at one end and Zelensky at the other, plus all their necessary staff and security contingents? And what about Xi Jin Ping and that lunatic from North Korea? And Donald Dump?
I'm telling you, this table is a huge problem
I didn't promise that I had answers, I'm just asking.
Now I have to go and get my Black Friday specials. I'm looking for a power station.