I have, on two occasions in my long legal
career, encountered situations where young couples were so certain of their
future marriages that they signed ante nuptial contracts months before the intended
date of the marriage – and because the contract must be registered no later
than two months after execution, that requirement was concluded – and then the
marriages did not proceed and the arrangements were cancelled. And then
considering the multiple factors involved, they have ante nuptial contracts
that lead nowhere. I have witnessed marriages of six months and less. These things
do happen!
Had they married and subsequently divorced,
they would have a divorce order to prove the end of the contract.
But now they have no official document to
prove any such thing because the contract doesn’t have any force until they
marry. Yet it certainly does indicate (and thus raises a presumption) a marriage
and since the parties will vehemently deny that, it calls for further
examination by anyone requiring the truth for legal reasons. They now have to
prove a negative – and there is a legal presumption against having to do such a
thing, except in tax cases.
However, there is nothing to prevent one or
both of them from executing some form of document to record that no marriage
took place. I would however recommend that if one took such a route, since the
original contract was executed notarially, this agreement or unilateral
declaration should be similarly executed and registered at the Deeds Office, as
in the case of any marriage contract, under the “H” code. And it should of
course contain a cross reference to the ANC, and that document should be
endorsed with a cross reference to this document.
The juridical nature of this document would
be the same as that of the cancellation of a personal servitude.
Such a document would eliminate doubtsvof
the marital status (and therefore the contractual and property rights) of the parties,
as suggested by the contract, without further requirements. And a succinct
reference to it could be retained in the file of any matter relating to that
party/those parties.
I don’t know whether such a contract could
be registered under our law as it stands, but perhaps it should be considered.