God's rain is falling
It splashes on the roofs and gurgles in the gutters
It falls on kings, paupers, presidents, and the police
It cleanses the world, and feeds all living things
Every living cell holds water.
Dust is for the dead. Water is for life.
It's not a religious thing
It's just a thing.
God is thundering in the background:
The shepherd who herds his rain
O mighty soul who cares for the world
Bless this rain, that it may bless us.
Cover our fields, forests, great plains and mountains
Replenish our seas, dams, rivers and reservoirs
Because we need a little mercy now.
We have to wash away a lot of blood
Take care of a lot of suffering
Slake the thirst of many souls
Wash tears off many cheeks
Drawn from dry wells in broken hearts.
Another terrible war
Is harvesting many souls.
Only time and the rain will suffice.
Given enough time, pain subsides
And nightmares fade
Rain renews life
And we will try yet again to live decently.
© Harry Friedland 2022 04 06